Inventory Management

Inventory is the core of the business, it is from here every other piece of the business get adequate vitality to live. In the event that appropriately dealt with, the business stays solid, generally constantly muddled. Odoo inventory management is a clever module which can be used by any business association independent of their size. It is structured in such an adaptable way. Odoo inventory is completely coordinated with different applications, for example, Purchase, Sales or Inventory. In any case, isn't restricted to those procedures, it is likewise completely coordinated with e-commerce business, manufacturing and repairs applications. To access inventory and inventory management module in your ERP, one need to install 'Inventory Management’ application from Odoo.

Odoo inventory management makes a commendable item to utilize as a result of the accompanying highlights.

Spotless and Fast

Odoo Double entry inventory management, adaptable structure, present day UI, versatile control and following instruments make Odoo a spotless and quick performing ERP.

Essential activity support

Prepare delivery order in straightforward advances, control and oversee incoming shipments, get ready the inventory counts (cycle checks), multiple location management, barcode based packing, efficient scrap management, stock transfer option and so on. Odoo bolster all the essential and propelled activities occurring in a warehouse.

Advanced Routing

Odoo advanced routing help the tasks like:

Drop shipping

Deliver to clients straight from your provider dependent on items, requests or clients.


Unload approaching material and straightforwardly transfer to outbound gates with almost no storing in the middle.

Put away and Removal systems

Characterize your own storage and removal strategies; FIFO, closest accessible zone, LIFO, and so on.

Pick - Pack - Ship

Structure your own order process stream. Convey to clients in a single step (delivery order) or in a few stages: picking, packing, and transporting.

Push and Pull Routes

Structure your very own product routes to automate exchange orders between distribution centers or locations.


Manage every one of your warehouse with a single system and characterize replenishment rules between distribution centers.


To keep your stock legitimately renewed, Odoo gives choices like

Minimum Stock: Have recommendation of procurement requests (or solicitation for citations) made by Odoo dependent on your future stock estimate.

Purchase Propositions

Get purchase order suggestions dependent on provider lead times, item request and stock figures.


Buy raw materials or manufacture items to order. Characterize your own routes explicit to warehouses, items, orders, and so forth.

Request for Quotations

Need to negotiate a price with suppliers each time you purchase a particular item? Odoo can trigger request for quotations automatically dependent on future needs.


Following your item inside and outside the inventory is a difficult errand. Be that as it may, Odoo traceability highlights like ‘Lots Tracking’, ‘Activity Log’, ‘Serial Numbers’, ‘Perpetual valuation’ make it simpler for you.

Product Management Features

Product Types

Odoo bolsters several item types that have diverse conduct: physical items, consumables, services, advanced items.


Odoo's kitting highlights enables your sales representative to sell a kit however you will deliver a set of items.

Custom fields

Include the same number of custom fields as you need on items to deal with your business needs.

Multi-Level Variants

Define multiple level variants in just a few clicks. Create matrix based on colors, sizes, attributes, etc.

Characterize multiple level variations in couple of clicks. Make matrix dependent on hues, sizes, traits, and so forth.

Different unit of measures

Odoo bolsters different unit of measures and changes over consequently for you: purchase a pallet of brew, sell packs of lagers.

Expiration Dates

Track expiry dates on items.

Multiple barcodes

Create custom barcodes with specific codes to implement desired behaviors, such as a specific promotion.

Make custom identifications/barcodes with explicit codes to implement desired practices, for example, a specific promotion.

Business knowledge

The capacity of Odoo BI and reporting instruments are as of now clarified in numerous modules. Odoo BI instruments perform comparative splendid occupations here in Manufacturing module by giving reports like inventory forecasts, client exchange drill down reports, perpetual inventory valuation reports and so on.

In the event that we contrast Odoo Inventory with ERP Microsoft Dynamics, we would that be able to discover numerous highlights like Freight Carrier Integration, Consignee stock administration, and so on are not accessible there. What's more, if the correlation is among SAP and Odoo, Odoo has the benefit of highlights like multiple variant support, Up and Down traceability, more effective barcode support and so on.

Before heading off to the nitty gritty tasks of Odoo inventory management, let’s first investigate a portion of the terms utilized in the modules. It will give you a superior comprehension about working Odoo Inventory management framework.


A stockroom in Odoo is where you store items. It is either a physical or a virtual stockroom. It could be a store or an archive.


Locations are utilized to structure stockpiling zones inside a distribution center. Notwithstanding inner areas (your stockroom), Odoo has areas for providers, clients, scraps, partners, and so on.


Lots are a bunch of items related to an exceptional scanner tag or sequential number. All things of a great deal are from a similar item. (For example a lot of 24 bottle) Usually, parcels originate from assembling request clumps or obtainments.

Serial Number

A serial number is a one of a kind identifier of a particular item. Actually, serial numbers are like having a ton of 1 one of a kind thing.

Unit of Measure

Define how the amount of items is communicated. Meters, Pounds, Pack of 24, Kilograms and so on. Unit of proportion of a similar class (ex: estimate) can be changed over to one another's (m, cm, mm) utilizing a fixed proportion.


An item for which you would prefer not to deal with the stock dimension (no amount available or determined) yet that you can get and convey. At the point when this item is required Odoo assume that you generally have enough stock.


An item for which you need to deal with the stock level.


A package contains a few items (distinguished by their serial number /lot or not). Example: a box containing blades and forks.


Procurement is a request for a particular amount of items to a particular area. Procurements are automatically activated by different reports: Sale orders, Minimum Stock Rules, and Procurement rules. You can trigger the procurement manually. At the point when obtainments are activated consequently, you ought to dependably focus for the exemptions (for example an item ought to be obtained from a merchant, yet no provider is characterized).


Routes characterize ways the item should pursue. Routes might be relevant or not, contingent upon the items, deals request lines, distribution center, and so forth. To satisfy an obtainment, the framework will look for standards having a place with courses that are characterized in the related item/sales order.

Push Rules

Push rules trigger when items enter a particular area. They consequently move the item to another area. Regardless of whether a push guideline can be utilized relies upon material courses.

Procurement or Pull Rules

Procurement rules depict how procurement on explicit areas ought to be satisfied e.g.: where the item should originate from (source area), regardless of whether the procurement is MTO or MTS and so forth.

Procurement Group

Routes and rules characterize stock moves. For each rule, an archive type is given: Picking, Packing, Delivery Order, Purchase Order and so on. Moves are gathered inside a similar record type if their procurement gathering and locations are the same.

Stock Moves:

Stock moves speak to the travel of merchandise and materials between areas.

Quantity On Hand

The amount of a particular item that is as of now in a distribution center or area.

Forecasted Quantity

The amount of items you can sell for a particular distribution center or area. It is characterized as the Quantity on Hand - Future Delivery Orders + Future incoming shipments + Future manufactured units.

Reordering Rules

It characterizes the conditions for Odoo to automatically trigger a request for obtainment (purchasing at a provider or propelling an assembling request). It is activated when the forecasted quantity meets the minimum stock rule.


Cross-docking is a practice in the logistics of emptying materials from an approaching semi-trailer truck or railroad vehicle and loading these materials straightforwardly into outbound trucks, trailers, or rail autos, with no storage in the middle. (Does not go to the stock, directly from incoming to packaging zone).

Drop shipping

Move items from the merchant/producer directly to the client (could be retailer or purchaser) without using the typical circulation procedures. Items are sent directly from the merchant to the client, without going through your very own distribution center.

Removal Strategies

The technique is used to choose which item to pick for a particular activity. Example: FIFO, LIFO, FEFO.

Put away Strategies

The methodology to use to choose in which area a particular item ought to be set while arriving some place. (Example : cable goes in rack 3, storage named A)


An item that is broken or obsolete. Scrapping an item expels it from the stock.

Managing of products

Inventory > Master Data > Product > Create

Odoo will enlists a set of products for you. But one can create a product depending on the business requirement and needs via clicking the button CREATE.

Upon clicking the create button, a creation form like below will appear:

All the fields under this form is very important

Can be sold: Tick this and the product will be listed in sales

Can be Purchased: Tick this and the product will be listed in purchase

Can be Expensed: If the product is Internal usage.

Is a Landed Cost: Indicate whether the product is a landed cost.

Sell on eBay: If you desire to sell the product on eBay.

Product Name: It is the name which will be displayed on all other screens that refer to this specific product.

Product Type: When creating the product, pay attention to the Product Type field, as it is important. There are three available product types in Odoo: Stockable, Service and Consumables. Products that are set as Stockable or Consumable will allow you to keep track of their inventory levels. These options imply stock management and will allow for receiving these kinds of products. Conversely, products that are set as a Service or Digital Product will not imply stock management, simply due to the fact that there is no inventory to manage. You will not be able to receive products under either of these designations.

Internal Reference: For the most part, Odoo utilizes the Product Name field and the description when displaying product information. It is very common that a company may have a coding system for its products. The Internal Reference field is useful to enter an alternative product code or number for the product in that case.

Barcode: Especially, when the number of products is more, the probability of human error also increases. Now smartly and effortlessly add/update product quantity by scanning product barcodes while receiving or delivering products in your Odoo.

Version: Defines the current version of the product.

Sales Price: The base sale price of the product, the product may be different if there are variants available.

Consumer Tax: Odoo's tax engine is very flexible and support many different type of taxes: value added taxes (VAT), eco-taxes, federal taxes, retention, withholding taxes, etc. For most countries, the chart of account you setup is automatically pre-configured with the main taxes of the country.

Tax Cloud Category: The Tax Cloud category in Odoo allows you to correctly calculate the sales tax for every address in the United States and keeps track of which products are exempt from sales tax and in which states each exemption applies. Tax Cloud calculates sales tax in real-time for every state, city, and special jurisdiction in the United States.

Cost: Cost used for stock valuation in standard price and as a first price to set in average/FIFO.

Fields Under inventory Tab

Routes: - The way which your company acquire this product. Odoo defines four options under routing:

  • Dropship

  • Manufacture

  • Make To Order

  • Buy

Vendor: - Under this section you can add the Vendors (suppliers) of this product

Tracking:- Internal tracking mechanism for the product, either via Lot no or via Serial number

Manufacturing Lead Time: Average lead time in days to manufacture this product. In case of multi-level BOM, the manufacturing lead time of the components will be added.

Customer Lead Time: Delivery lead time in days. It is the number of days, promised to the customer, between the confirmation of the sales order and the delivery.

Weight: The weight of contents in kg, not including any packaging.

Volume: The volume of the contents in m3, not excluding any packaging.

HS Code: Standardized code for internal shipping and goods declaration.

Responsible Person: The user will be responsible for the next activities related to the logistic operations for this product.

Internal Notes: Notes if any with respect to Delivery Orders and Receipts

Fields under Sales Tab

Available in POS: Tick the option, if you want this product to appear in the point of sale.

Invoicing Policy: Odoo enlists two invoicing methods:

  • Ordered Quantities: Invoice Quantities ordered by the customer

  • Delivered Quantity: Invoice Quantities delivered to the customer.

Re-invoice Policy: Expenses and vendor bills can be re-invoiced to a customer. With this option, a validated expense can be re-invoiced to a customer as its costs or sales price.

Events: Ticking the option enables product to automatically create an event registration at the sales order confirmation.

Automatic Email at Invoice: Send a product specific email once the invoice is paid.

Optional Products: A cross selling strategy. Optional products are suggested whenever the customer hits”Add to Cart”.

Description for Customers: Note will show up sales order and invoice.

General Configurations

Inventory> Configuration> Settings> Products

Product Variants and Options: - Tick here to include product variance in your inventory.

Unit of Measure: By ticking the second option you can Sale/Purchase products in a different unit of measure. For example, you may buy Bottle as a dozen and sell it individually.

Product Packagings: Managing the product packaging.

Product Variants

Configure your products with variations and select optional product items

Product Variants

Product variations are utilized to oversee items having diverse varieties, similar to measure, shading, and so forth. It permits dealing with the item at the layout level (for all varieties) and at the variation level (specific attributes). For instance, an organization selling shirts may have the accompanying item:

B&C T-shirt

Sizes: S, M, L, XL, XXL

Hues: Blue, Red, White, Black

In this model, B&C T-Shirt is known as the item layout and B&C T-Shirt, S, Blue is a variation. Sizes and shading are properties or attributes.

To enable the option, go to Sales->Configuration-> Settings and Activate Variants and Options under Product Catalog

If you click on the attributes button, a window just like below will appear.

One can make another new attribute in Odoo or import from the rundown

Here you can set the trait classification i.e. attribute category starting from the drop menu. One can likewise make another new attribute via clicking CREATE AND EDIT.

One can easily set the trait type, attribute values, and variations in Odoo.

Making Variant to a chosen product

CLICK onVARIANT . There you get to fields: Attribute and Attribute value. As you click the property line, Odoo gives you a drop down rundown. One can either pick the alternative from drop list or make another one.

To make, click CREATE AND EDIT.

One can without much of a stretch set the attribute type, attribute values, and variants in Odoo.

Effects of variants

  • Barcode: The code and standardized tag is related to a variation, not the layout. Each variation may have its own scanner tag/SKU.

  • Price: Every product variation has its own open value that is computed on the layout cost ($20) with a discretionary additional for each variation (+$3 for shading red). However, you can characterize pricelist rules that apply on the format or the variation.

  • Inventory: The stock is overseen by item variation. You don't possess shirts, you just claim "Shirts, S, Red", or "Shirts, M, Blue". For information purpose, on the item layout structure, you get the stock that is the total of each variation. (be that as it may, the real stock is registered by variation)

  • Picture: The image is identified with the variation , each variety of an item may have its own essential picture.

  • Other fields: Most of different fields has a place with the product template. On the off chance that you update them, it automatically updates every one of the variations. (precedent: Income Account, Taxes)

Utilizing variants has the accompanying effects:

  • Ecommerce: In your online shop, the client will just observe product templates in the inventory page. When the guest click on such an item, he will have choices to pick among the variations (hues, sizes, … )

  • Manufacturing: Using variations permits to characterize just a single bill of material for a product template and slight varieties for a portion of the variations. Example: rather than making a Bill of Material for "Shirt, Red, S", you make a bill of material for "Shirt" and include a few lines that are specific to the measurement S, and different lines specific to the shading Red.

  • Pricing: The default price of an item is processed utilizing the cost of the product template and include the discretionary additional value each component of the variation. Along these lines, variation costs are simpler to keep up since you don't need to set the cost for each variation. Be that as it may, it's conceivable to make pricelist guidelines to fix cost per variations as well.

Handling Products in Different Units of Measure

Now and again, dealing with products in various unit of measures is vital. For instance, in the event that you purchase items in a nation where the metric measuring standard is of utilization and sell them in a nation where the imperial framework is utilized, you should change over the units. Odoo empowers to work with various units of measure for one item. Odoo comes in favor of working with different units of measure for one product


Under Inventory application, go to Configuration ‣ Settings. And under the Products section, tick the optionUnits of measure.

Setting up units on your products

In Inventory Control ‣ Products, open the product which you might want to change the purchase/sale unit of measure, and click on Edit.

In theUnit of Measure area, select the unit in which the item will be sold and in which internal exchanges will be executed.

In thePurchase Unit of Measure area, select the unit in which you buy the item. When you're set, click on Save.

Upon clicking the edit button you are provisioned to create new unit of measures in Odoo.

Transfer from one unit to another

While doing inter- unit exchanges, the rounding adjustments are consequently done by Odoo.

The unit of measure can be changed all through the entire procedure. The only condition is that the unit of measure is a piece of a similar class.

In this model, we are in the egg business:

  • We purchase eggs by plate (30 eggs)

  • We check all eggs exclusively while getting it (quality control)

  • We pitch eggs by the dozen to the clients

Note: The Sale price is communicated in the Product unit of measure. The cost is communicated in the Purchase Unit of Measure

Note: All internal transfers are communicated in the Product Unit of Measure.


While doing your procurement demand, you can in any case change the unit of measure.

The unit of measure can likewise be changed even in the purchase order.

Quality Control

The quality control is done by unit. The fundamental unit of measure for our item is Unit. In this manner the quality check is done by unit.

Note: The unit of measure must be changed when the transfer status is Draft.

Delivery process

The eggs are sold by the dozen. You can pick the unit of measure on the sales order archive. While doing it, the cost is automatically figured from the unit to the dozen.

In the delivery order, the initial interest is carries in sales order unit of measure:

Be that as it may, the transfer is done in the product unit of measure. Everything is changed automatically:

Handling the Product Packaging

Sell products by multiple of unit # per package

The package is the physical holder in which you put one or a few item. Package is the physical holder that secures your item. In the event that you are selling PCs, the package contains the PC with the notice and the power plug. In Odoo, packaging are simply utilized for demonstrative reason.

When to utilize Product Packaging?

For instance, you are selling eggs. In your distribution center, you deal with the eggs independently. Loads of eggs are rejected and you do it egg by egg. The unit of measure is Unit(s).

In the event that you are selling eggs by the dozen, the selling unit of measure ends up dozen. You will set it on your sales order. The cardboard plate that contains the dozen of eggs is the package. When you are selling a few plate, you may wrap all the plate into a container or in a plastic wrapping. It turns into the bundle.

A few bundles may have distinctive items. This is the thing that we state Put in Pack in Odoo. For instance a sales order containing 5 distinct items to a specific client. The items might have diverse amounts. So at the season of conveyance, one can assemble this all into a solitary pack, with the goal that we just need to send a solitary box or bundle to the client.

In Odoo, one can likewise put diverse results of various deals request in a solitary or distinctive bundle appropriately at the season of conveyance from the stock. For instance, If a client requested a PC, it will comprises of various items like CPU, mouse, console, screen, links and so forth. So for this situation, it will be useful in the event that we put every one of these items in a single pack.

The third is the Delivery Package. The delivery package of Odoo will be accessible in the setup menu thing under the stock. The motivation behind the delivery package is to make a pack of compartment. How about we investigate an ongoing model. The delivery package can be made relevant if the organization is exchanging a few merchandise to a specific area or to the client itself. On the off chance that every one of the product or product package of various clients should be sent to a specific area, at that point every one of the things can be put into a single holder for the simpler transportation, at that point this compartment can be named as a delivery package.

To trigger the action, go to Sales/Configuration / Settings and Activate Product Packagings under Product Catalog

To enable the package, one should tick a few choices in settings. One needs to give access permission to the client for the packages.

Settings -> User & Companies -> Users

At that point, pick the client, and in the client settings, tick the two choices,

  • Manage Packages

  • Manage Product Packaging

By this, the end client is offering authorization to the specific client to deal with the product packaging.

After enabling the settings, one has to set up the product. So as to put the products in the packages, one needs to guarantee the kind of the product that it is storable.

Presently in the Inventory tab of the item, the end client can make different packages for this item. As in the picture you can see that there are different bundles or packages for a single product, it characterizes that the item can be sold in various packets.

One can likewise get the pdf report of the package list from the print menu.

Product Traceability

Inventory> Configuration> Settings> Traceability

Lots and Serial Numbers

Lot Number Tracking is utilized to follow items with sequential or serial numbers on each exchange. One can track the present location of the product with their serial numbers. At the point when the products are moved, starting with one location then onto the next location, the system will automatically recognize the present location of the product dependent on last movement of the item. So you can get the last location where the items are moved. The double-entry management in Odoo empowers you to run extremely propelled and advanced traceability.


One have to enact the tracking of serial numbers in the settings. In the Inventory application, go to Configuration ‣ Settings, select lots and serial numbers.

At that point click on Save.

Product Configuration

At last, you need to configure which items you need to track in lots.

Go into Inventory Master Data‣ Products, and open the product of your choice. Click on Edit, and in the Inventory tab, select By Unique Serial Number or By Lots, at that point click on Save.

Creating Lot/Serial Numbers

To activate, Go to Inventory-> Master Data->Lots/Serial Numbers

You will find the lists of products with lot/serial numbers. To add a new product with lot/serial number click the CREATE button.

A creation form like below will appear:

The field includes Product Name, Quantity, Internal Reference Dates including: Best Before Date, End of the Life Date, Removal Date and Alert Date. Dates can be great helpful in tracking the products.

If you click on theTRACEABILITY REPORT button, you will get the information about the product moves, date of product move and with how many product quantities.

How to configure Expiry Date in Odoo

In order to configure the Expiry date of a product, one have to make changes in the settings of Inventory. For that,

Go to Inventory> Configuration> Settings> Traceability

Click the option Expiration Dates in order to enable the expiration dates on lots and serial numbers. Click Save for making the desired changes.

Upon making the change, the end user get a new option in the product form just like below.

In order to trigger the product expiry, the end user can assign the following attributes-

Product Life Time: When a new a Serial Number is issued, this is the number of days before the goods may become dangerous and must not be consumed.

Product Use Time: When a new a Serial Number is issued, this is the number of days before the goods start deteriorating, without being dangerous yet

Product Removal Time: When a new a Serial Number is issued, this is the number of days before the goods should be removed from the stock.

Product Alert Time: When a new a Serial Number is issued, this is the number of days before an alert should be notified.

Upon assigning a new serial to this product, these dates get automatically calculated and get stored in the Lot/serial number.

On the other hand, if the end user isn’t assigning these days in the product form, they can later assign the dates upon the creation of lot/serial number.



Go to Inventory> Configuration> Settings> Traceability

Click on Consignment and Save in order to set the owner for the stored product


The Dashboard gets the end user a glimpse of every operations taking place in the Warehouses.

In order to oversee all the operations explicitly in the warehouse, Got to

Inventory -> Operations->Transfers

Here you can see the lists of confirmed Sales and Purchase orders.

Upon clicking the SAVE button, one can view the status of each single operation.

Inventory Adjustments in Odoo

Stock Adjustments or Inventory Adjustments acts as a urgent element in a warehouse management software to keep the stock right. When your items have been characterized, it is the time to make your initial stock. You will reflect reality by reviewing the quantities in the right locations.

Product Configuration

In the Inventory module, open the Inventory Control ‣ Products, at that point click on Create to make another item. Configure the product type that it is Stockable and not a consumable.

Start the initial inventory

Update the product quantity for one item/product.

In the product you just made, you can find in the upper tiles that we have 0 item On Hand. Click on the Update QTY on Hand button.

Another window opens. In the New Quantity on Hand field, type the product quantity you presently hold in stock, and click on Apply.

Click the START INVENTORY button


on the off chance that you are utilizing multiple locations for your distribution center or the warehouse, you will almost certainly set the location of your product from this screen. You would now be able to see from the On Hand tab that the quantity has been refreshed.

Presently, in the event that you check the Inventory Adjustments in the Inventory Control menu, you will see that another line named "INV: (name of your item)" has consequently been made and approved by the system.

Multiple products at once

Create every product for which you need to pursue the stock (as Stockable items). When the required items in stock have been characterized, utilize an initial inventory operation to put the present quantities into the framework by location. Go to Inventory Control ‣ Inventory Adjustments to begin your initial stock.

Give it a name (for instance Initial Inventory) and select the stock location of your inventory. Note that when you select a parent location, (for example, Stock, which may be part into sub locations), you can likewise choose the sub (or child) locations.

You can pick between making a stock for:

  • All items/products

  • Single product category

  • Single product only

  • Choosing products manually

  • Single Lot/Serial Number

  • A pack

Here, we choose the All items/products option.

1. Inventory adjustment of all products

Through this choice, one can refresh the stock subtleties of all products. Pick the 'Inventory of' choice as "All product" while making another inventory.

Inventory date: The date that will be utilized for the inventory level check of the item and approval of the stock move identified with the stock.

Include Exhausted Products: Mark this, in the event that you need to incorporate the depleted item in stock.

Click start the inventory, system will show every one of the items with their Real amount and Theoretical amount.

Make modifications in the product quantity and approve the stock to update the new quantity.

Updated quantity will be shown in the Inventory adjustment tab.

2. Inventory adjustments of one product category

If the end user need to make the inventory adjustments of a single product category, then they have to opt for one product category “inventory of” option.

One has to describe the product category (on which you are looking for the changes) in the inventory adjustment form.

Remaining procedures are the same like aforesaid. Start the inventory, modify the stocks and later validate them.

3. Inventory of One product only

Via this option, the end user can easily update the inventory for a solitary product. Here, one need to specify the inventoried product under the inventory adjustment form.

For example:- Suppose we need to refresh the stock of an item ' [DESK0005] Customizable Desk (Custom, White)', at that point we can pick this alternative..

When we validate the stock we can see the stock quantity of that item. One can alter the real quantity if any progressions are there.

When the updates have been made approve/validate the stock.

The details with respect to updated product quantity, the source location, the destination location as well as status can be seen under the inventory adjustment tab.

4. Select products manually

Assume we need to update the inventory of various things at once. In such cases, we can pick this strategy. We will have the alternative to choose every one of the items we need to modify.

5. Inventory of One Lot/Serial Number

One can change the inventory status of the items that bear a specific Lot/Serial Number. This is helpful for refreshing the quantity of a substantial number of items in a specific Lot/Serial Number.

When we begin the inventory, the items with corresponding lot number will be shown under the inventory details.

Scrap Management in Odoo

Scrap is something which is defined as valueless. Basically, scraps are formed when a product gets damaged or when it reaches its expiry date. We cannot generalize scraps as the nature of scraps keeps differing upon industries nature. For example, if we take the case of a food industry, when an item reaches or cross its expiry date, the food item becomes useless and it is sent to scrap. No reuse is possible in this case.

To next, consider the case of a manufacturing industry where a table is manufactured. If some physical damage occurs to the table, it is considered as scrap. But here there will be some basic parts which can be reused. So according to the nature of industries scraps has to be maintained. An efficient ERP can handle all these matters related to scraps in the utmost refined and streamlined format. Odoo /Open ERP scrap management is a very effective scrap management technique which anyone can use for effective scrap handling.


Go to Inventory > Configuration > Settings >Manage several locations per warehouse > apply.

The new scrap location is created via; configuration -> warehouse management ->locations.

A scrap location is defined by checking the scrap location on location form view.

Now there are different methods with which a product can be scrapped in Odoo/Open ERP. The various ways with which a product can be scrapped in Odoo scrap management are scrap from receipt, scrap from delivery order and scrap from an internal transfer. All these are accessible in the initial demand tab in Odoo/Open ERP scrap management.

Scrap from receipt

Scraps from receipts mean we are checking for scraps from the incoming shipment; since there are chances for products to get damaged at that stage itself.

To do this inventory is opened after that dashboard and receipts are accessed

The incoming shipment is now opened followed by the initial demand tab and finally click the scrap product button.

Now scrapping from shipment using Odoo/Open ERP scrap management is done.

Scrap from delivery orders

Scrap from delivery orders means scrap products from outgoing delivery. This is very important since the customer should not receive any damaged product at the time of reception.

Open inventory >dashboard >delivery orders.

Now outgoing shipment is opened, from there initial demand tab is accessed and click on scrap products button.

Scrap from internal transfer

Scrap from the internal transfer means scrapping done within the inventory. This method makes sure that there are no damaged products in the inventory.

To do the scrapping go to inventory > Dashboard > receipts.

Now internal transfer is opened followed by the initial demand tab. Finally, scrap products button is clicked.

Now when scrap button is clicked a pop up will open. The quantity of scrapped products can be specified here and also scrap location is also specified. Click on scrap finally.

Batch Picking in Odoo

There exist numerous ways to pick an order from a distribution center or a warehouse station. One can either pick by an order or conduct batch picking. However, each picking mode has its very own focal points or advantages. In Batch Pickings, the process combines the lines from different orders thus saving time, productivity, and reduction of labor costs. Batch Picking is defined as a group of transfers, picked together to make a batch. Here, transfers include the receipts, delivery orders and internal transfers.


Go to Inventory -> Settings -> Operations -> Batch Pickings

So now we have applied for managing several locations per warehouse in Odoo/Open ERP inventory.

Create Batch Pickings:

After enabling the settings, one can create batch picking for transfers, for that follow the steps given below:

Go to Inventory -> Operations -> Batch Pickings -> Create.

A creation form will appear:

The fields include:

Responsible: The field defines the person who is made responsible for this batch picking. One can keep it blank if multiple persons are handling the same batch.

Add a line: Here, one can add pickings (transfers) for this batch.

Add Pickings: Under the field, one can select the transfers for the batch.

After selecting the required transfers, click on the SELECT Button. Thereafter the transfers will get added to the batch.

Transfer: Draft -> Ready state

On adding the pickings (transfers), if the transfer is a draft, one can confirm the transfer from the batch itself. It can be confirmed via clicking the green tick mark. Upon confirming the batch, the draft will be confirmed to ready.

Cancel a transfer:

One can easily cancel transfers from the batch itself. It can be canceled via clicking the redcross mark.

Remove Transfer From a Batch:

One can remove the transfers from a batch. It can be removed from the batch via clicking the black cross mark.

Odoo enables you to see transfers that are not yet confirmed. You can find them in the waiting state.

State of a Batch:

We have different states for a batch in Odoo. On saving the Batch, it will be in a draft state

Once all the transfers are added to a batch, upon confirming them, the batch will change to running state.

After a batch is confirmed, each transfer can be managed separately ie, one can validate a single transfer, create a back order, return product, or add to scraps from the batch itself.

State of a batch can be draft, running, canceled and done.

Draft: Batch is not ready /it is not confirmed.

Running: Batch is in running state.

Canceled: Batch is canceled.

Done: Batch is delivered.

On delivering transfers (done) ie, if a single transfer is delivered but there are transfers that are not yet delivered, the batch will be in a running state, until all transfers in a batch are delivered.

When all the transfers in a batch are delivered (ie, Batch is delivered), then the batch will automatically change to the done state.

Here, a single transfer is delivered, but there are transfers that are not yet delivered. Therefore, the batch will be in running state.

When a batch is delivered. On delivering the batch, the corresponding batch will change its state as done.

Batch Cancel:

One can cancel the batch in Odoo. A batch can be canceled when it is in running state.

To Cancel a batch, Click on CANCEL button

Operation Types


Operation implies, diverse activities carried in your distribution center or warehouse like Receipts, Internal Transfer, and Delivery Order. These are fundamental activities done in a distribution center.

Nonetheless, one can add custom operations from

Inventory -> Configuration -> Operation Types -> Create

On the off chance that if you click on a specific operation type, you will be navigated to another window characterizing all details concerning a specific activity conveyed in your distribution center.

After clicking the CREATE button, you can include another operation type in your warehouse. A creation form will show up

Operation Type: Choose whether the operation is over the Vendors, Customers, Manufacturing operation or internal.

Show Detailed Operations: If this checkbox is ticked, the picking lines will speak to detailed stock operations. If not, the picking lines will speak to a total of detailed stock operations.

Show Reserved: If this checkbox is ticked, Odoo will demonstrate which items are reserved (lot/serial number, source location, source package).

Default Source Location: This is the default source location when you make a picking manually with this operation type. It is possible however to transform it or that routes put another location. On the off chance that it is empty, it will check for the vendor location on the partner.

Default Destination Location: This is the default destination location when you make a picking manually with this activity type. It is conceivable anyway to transform it or that routes put another area. In the event that it is unfilled, it will check for the customer location on the partner.

Landed Costs in Odoo

Landed cost is the complete cost of a product once it has arrived at purchasers' hand. The total expense of a landed shipment includes price tag, freight, insurance, and other different expenses up to the port of destination. This incorporates the transportation expense, duty, handling fees, taxes, insurances, currency conversions, crating, handling and installment charges, and so on. These costs are added and divided to get the actual selling cost of the item.

Landed Costs = The price tag of the item + Any extra charges to get the item to the purchaser's hands.

The method for computing landed cost will vary as indicated by the organization and items which they are dealing with, and so on. In certain occasions, it might likewise incorporate the custom duties and different taxes exacted on the shipment.


Inventory->Configuration-> Settings->Costing->Landed Costs

Click Save to make changes in the stock.

After clicking the Landed Cost Types, you will be explored to another window, where you can make another landed cost type.

Click CREATE button.

A creation form will appear like below:

Product Name: The field characterizes the name of the item for which the landed cost type is made.

Product Category: The field chooses the category for the chosen product.

Split Method: The field characterizes the method of landed cost type.

Odoo provides five split method options:

  • Equal: Selecting the option enables to equally divide the costs.

  • By Quantity: Enabling the option, costs get divided in accordance to products quantity.

  • By Current Cost: Enabling the option, costs get divided in accordance to product’s current cost.

  • By Weight: Enabling the option, costs get divided dependent on product’s weight.

  • By Volume: Enabling the option, costs get divided dependent on product’s volume.

Cost: The field characterizes the cost utilized for stock valuation in Standard price and as a first price to set in average/FIFO. Additionally, utilized as a base price for pricelists. Set in the default units of measure of the item.

Expense Account: Keep this field empty to utilize the default value from the product category. On the off chance if Anglo-Saxon accounting with automated valuation technique is arranged, the expense account in the product category will be utilized.

Product Type:

A storable product is a category of product for which one need to manage the stock.

A consumable product is a category of product for which one need not manage the stock.

A service is a non-material category of product you provide.

Run Scheduler

The scheduler acts as a calculation engine, that automatically plan and prioritize both production and purchasing according to the various rules characterized on an item/product. Of course, the scheduler is set to run once every day (Odoo automatically creates a Scheduled Action for this).

Calculating Requirements / Scheduling

Scheduling just approves procurements that are affirmed yet not yet began. These procurement reservations will themselves begin the creation, tasks or purchases relying upon the configuration of the requested item.

You consider the need of operations when beginning the reservations and procurements. Urgent requirement, those with a date before, or demands with a date sooner than the others will be begun first. On the off chance that there are no enough items in stock to fulfill every one of the requests, you can make sure that the most pressing solicitations will be delivered first.

Configure and run the scheduler

This component isn't visible by default. You need to enable debug mode to see this. To enable debug mode, go to Help ‣ About and click on Activate the developer mode.

You can likewise begin the scheduler manually from the menu Inventory ‣ Schedulers ‣ Run Schedulers. The scheduler utilizes all the significant parameters characterized for products, suppliers and the organization to determine the needs between the diverse generation requests, conveyances and provider buys.

Configure and run the scheduler (only for advanced users)

This element isn't visible by default. One need to enable debug mode to see this. To enable debug mode, go to Help - > About and click on Activate the developer mode.

You can set the beginning time of the scheduler by changing the relating activity in the menu Settings ‣ Technical ‣ Automation ‣ Scheduled Actions. Alter the Run mrp Scheduler arrangement.

Reordering Rules in Odoo

Some items have great demand in the market, and we need to ensure that the item never runs out stock. To ensure they never come up short on stock, one should need to characterize Reordering Rules on items.

Odoo enables us to set guidelines for this sort of items with the end goal that an automatic replenishment for those things are made. The reordering rules in Odoo will assist you with replenishing your stock when it achieves a minimum stock level.


Inventory->Master Data->Products

Select the item you need to set minimum rules. One can likewise make another new item. Ensure that your product is Stockable. When this is done there will be a start button for reordering rules.

In Inventory > route tick the option Buy and uncheck Make to Order

Remember to include a vendor with a minimum quantity greater than zero.

Set a reordering rule

If you open a Stockable product, you'll find the Reordering Rules tab right there.

Upon clicking on the reordering rules tab, you will be moved to a fresh window, where the end user can make the reordering rules.

Click the CREATE button.

Correspondingly a new window will open.

By default, the name begins with OP/XXXX, one can change the naming later.

Product: Choose item for which you are going to make the reordering rules.

Warehouse: Choose specific warehouse where product is to be delivered. Specify multi warehouse and location if you have enabled multi- warehouse and location.

The reordering rules can be triggered using the following attributes:-

Minimum Quantity: In the Minimum Quantity field, embed the minimum quantity to which the system will trigger another request/order. At the point when the virtual stock goes beneath the Minimum Quantity indicated for this field, Odoo creates a procurement to bring the forecasted quantity to the Maximum Quantity.

Maximum Quantity: In the Maximum Quantity field, embed the limit of things that must be supplied. At the point when the virtual stock goes beneath the Minimum Quantity, Odoo creates a procurement to bring the anticipated amount as Maximum Quantity.

Quantity Multiple: The Quantity Multiple is the most reduced number of things that can be requested at once. The procurement quantity will be rounded together to this multiple. On the off chance that it is 0, the accurate amount will be utilized.

In the Lead Time section:

-- The quantity of Days to purchase, comparing to the no: of days for the provider to get the request

- The quantity of Days to get the items

On the off chance that you click on SAVE , you will get the window like underneath.

On the off chance that you return to products, you can see the reordering rule set. It shows the minimum and maximum quantity set for that item.

Upon clicking them, you will be navigated to the related reordering rule.

Once in the following menu, you can make the reordering rules connected to your item. Starting now and into the foreseeable future, each time this item achieves the base amount it will replenish your stock to your maximum quantity.

Each time an item with a reordering rule achieves the minimum stock, the framework will automatically perceive how to fulfill that need dependent on the product configuration (Eg: make a RfQ, make a MO, and so forth.).

The replenishments will take place when the scheduler in the Inventory module runs. By default in Odoo, the schedulers will keep running at the predefined time referenced in the cron job or you can run them manually.

Run the scheduler manually

This element isn't obvious of course, however subsequent to enabling the debug mode, one can run the scheduler manually.


You can likewise get to all your reordering rules from Inventory ‣ Master Data ‣ Reordering Rules.

Setting Warehouse and Locations

In Odoo, a Warehouse is the genuine building/place in which your items are loaded. You can setup multiple warehouses and make moves between these distribution centers.

A Location, is a particular space inside your distribution center. It very well may be considered as a sub area of your distribution center, as a rack, a story, a path, and so on. In this way, a location is a piece of one distribution center and it is not possible to connect one location to different warehouses. You can configure as much locations as you need under one distribution center.

There are 3 types of locations:

The Physical Locations are interior locations that are a part of the warehouse for which you are the proprietor. They can be the stacking and emptying territory of your distribution center, a rack or a division, and so on.

The Partner Locations are spaces inside a client or potentially seller's distribution center. They work a similar route as Physical Locations with the main distinction being that you are not the proprietor of the distribution center.

The Virtual Locations are places that don't exist, however in which items can be set when they are not physically in a stock yet (or any longer). They prove to be useful when you need to put lost items out of your stock (in the Inventory misfortune), or when you need to consider items that are en route to your distribution center (Procurements).

In Odoo, locations are organized hierarchically. You can structure your locations as a tree, subject to a parent-child relationship. This gives you detailed level of examination of your stock activities and the organization of your distribution centers.

Creating a new warehouse


So as to make another new warehouse, you should enable the framework to deal with numerous/multiple warehouses. In the Inventory module, open the menu Settings ‣ Configuration. In the Warehouse section, tick the Multi-Warehouse box, at that point click on SAVE.

Open the menu Configuration ‣ Warehouses

Click the CREATE button in warehouses screen.

new screen just like below appears, with 3 different fields:

Warehouse: In the field, embed the full name of the warehouse.

Short Name field: embed a 5-characters code for your distribution center. Remember that this code is the one that will show up in the rundowns, so ensure you pick a name that is straightforward and simple to enter.

Address field: You can choose a current organization or make one in a hurry. Hence, the location of your warehouse will be same to the one of the organization you chose. You can likewise leave this field unfilled and alter it subsequently.

Click on Save to wrap up your new warehouse.

Creating a new location

In order to make another new location, one should enable the framework to manage store locations. In the Inventory module, open the menu Settings ‣ Configuration. In the Warehouse segment, tick the Storage location box, at that point click on save.

In the Inventory module, Open the menu Configuration ‣ Locations

Click on the Create button in the Locations window.

Upon the action, a window will appear will the following fields:

Type the name of the area in the Location Name field, and select the Parent Location in the rundown. The parent area can be a physical, accomplice or virtual area, and you can include the same number of sub-areas as expected to an area.

You can likewise fill in the Additional Information fields and add a note to describe your location/area.

Location Type

  • Vendor Location: Virtual location representing the source location for products coming from your vendors.

  • View: Virtual Location used to create a hierarchical structures for your warehouse, aggregating its child locations; can’t directly contain products.

  • Internal Locations: Physical Locations inside your own warehouses.

  • Customer Locations: Virtual locations representing the destination location for products sent to your customer.

  • Inventory Loss: Virtual location serving as counterpart for inventory operations used to correct stock levels.

  • Procurement: Virtual location serving as temporary counterpart for procurement operations when the procurement scheduler has finished running.

  • Production: Virtual counterpart location for production operations. This location consumes the raw material and produces finished products.

  • Transit Location: Counterpart location that should be used in inter-company or inter warehouse operations.

Owner: The field to define the owner of the location if not internal.

Company: Let the field be empty if this location is shared between the companies.

Is a scrap location: Tick this box to allow using this location to put scrapped or damaged goods.

Is a return location: Tick this box to allow using this location as a return location.

Localization: Optimal localization details for information purpose only.

Removal Strategy: Defines the default method used for suggesting the exact location (shelf) where to take the products from, which lot etc for this location. This method can be enforced at the product category level and a fallback is made on the parent location if none is set here.

Away Strategy:Put Allows to suggest the extra location (shelf) where to store the product.

When you are finished, click on Save.


A warehouse additionally compares to a location. As the locations are hierarchical, Odoo will make the parent location of the distribution center, containing all the sub locations in it.

Procurement Rules

Routes are the diverse ways by which the specific items are obtained or sold from the warehouse. Routes may be relevant or not appropriate depending upon the items, the sales order lines, the warehouse, etc. To fulfill a procurement, the system will check for principles having a place with routes portrayed specifically in a sales order. A procurement is nothing, yet an interest for a specific measure of product to a specific territory/area. One thusly needs to incorporate crucial push and procurement rules for making a route.

Procurement is the activity of getting the ideal or required measure of products as opposed to going for mass, and the procurement inventory control system starts with a client request. One of the prime points of interest the end client can gain from the procurement rule is that he can sidestep the likelihood of overabundance stock. Here, the end client is liberated from the management or storing of overabundance stock. The procurement rule lessens the inventory levels and along these lines the expense of storing goods in the inventory.

Push Rule:

Push rules move the given item amounts from the source area to the goal area. Under Odoo ERP, one can set these moves both programmed and manual. At the point when a move is predicted to an area, the push standard will consequently make a move towards the following area.


Procurement rules come under routes. To trigger them, Go to the Inventory >Configuration>Settings-> Warehouse->Multi-step Routes.

For creating new rules and viewing the existing rules go to Inventory->Configuration->Rules.

One can easily view the different kind of actions laid under the menu .

Upon clicking the CREATE button, one can create a new rule.

A creation form will appear like below:

One can seamlessly define the action here:

One can also define specific routes for that particluar product

Drop Shipping, Buy and Make To Order are the default rules laid by Odoo.

Drop Shipping: Under the Drop Shipping rule, the merchant does not keep the items in stock, rather process the delivery of products directly from the seller to the client. There won't be any stock lodging amid the travel.

Buy: Buy proposes a purchase or manufacturing of the item.

Make to Order: The Make to Order work trigger a purchase request when a sales order related to a product is created. Here, the capacity doesn't assess the current stock and draft a purchase order regardless of whether the product quantity is insufficient. ie. it triggers the purchase order regardless of item quantity on hand.

One can see the routes for every item under the inventory tab of the product.

The checkbox is checked under the routes view's material on the area.

One can make new routes and characterize new procurement and push rules by clicking the CREATE button,

However, one major impediment to the pull system is that it is exceedingly conceivable to keep running into ordering dilemmas, for example, a provider not having the capacity to get a shipment out on schedule. This leaves the organization unfit to satisfy the request and adds to client disappointment.

The example for pull inventory control system is MTO. The objective is to downplay stock dimensions by just having enough stock, not pretty much, to satisfy client need. The MTO disposes of waste by decreasing the measure of extra storage required for stock and the expenses of putting away merchandise.

Push Rule

The push system of stock control includes estimating stock needs to fulfill client need. Organizations must anticipate which items; the clients will buy alongside figuring out what amount of merchandise will be obtained. The organization will thus create enough products to fulfill the forecasted need and sell, or push, the products to the buyer. Hindrances of the push inventory control system are that forecasts are regularly off base as deals can be unpredictable and fluctuating from one year then onto the next. Another issue with push inventory control system is that if an excess of item is left in stock, this builds the organization's expenses for putting away these merchandise. An advantage to the push system is that the organization is genuinely guaranteed it will have enough products available so as to finish client orders, preventing the inability to fulfill client need for the item.

A push flow demonstrates how locations are tied with different ones. When a given amount of products is moved in the source location, a chained move is consequently foreseen by the parameters set on the stream specification (destination location, delay, type of move, journal). It very well may be activated automatically or manually.

Push rules settings

The push rules are defined on routes. To trigger the action, Go to Configuration ‣ Routes.

Under push rule section, click on Add an item.

Here one can easily define the rule conditions. Well coming to this example, here a good is stated under Input location, and the good has to be moved towards quality control. Under the 3 steps receipts, a new push rule will trigger the goods in quality control to move towards the stock.

Stock transfers

The push rule will trigger stock exchange. As indicated by the standard set on your routes, you will see that a few exchanges may be prepared and other are pausing.

The push decide that was set above will make moves from WH/Input area to the WH/Quality Control area.

In this model, another move is holding up as per the second push rule, it characterizes that when the quality control is done, the merchandise will be moved to the fundamental stock.

How to set Routes in Odoo

A route is a collection of procurement guidelines and push rules. Odoo can oversee propelled push/pull routes configuration, for instance:

  • Manage product manufacturing chains

  • Manage default location per item

  • Define routes inside your distribution center as indicated by business needs, for example, quality control, after sales service or supplier returns.

  • Help rental administration, by creating robotized return moves for leased items.

Drop Shipping

Convey to clients straight from your provider dependent on items, requests or clients.


Unload incoming/approaching material and straightforwardly exchange to outbound doors with practically no capacity in the middle.

Put away and Removal Strategies

Characterize your own storage and removal strategies; FIFO, closest accessible zone, LIFO, and so on.

Pick - Pack - Ship

Structure your own order process flow. Deliver to clients in a single step (delivery order) or a few stages: picking, packing, shipping.

Push and Pull Routes

Plan your very own route to robotize transfer orders between distribution centers or locations.


Deal with every one of your distribution centers with a similar framework and characterize renewal controls between stockrooms.



Here you will have two options: Setting Warehouse routes and Setting of Put Away Strategies on Locations.

Pre-configured routes

Odoo embeds some pre-configured routes for your warehouses.

Under Inventory application, go to Configuration ‣ Warehouses.

Under Warehouse Configuration tab, trigger the Warehouse routes options so as to apply some routes according to your need.

Upon clicking the CREATE button, you can define new route for your desired product.

Under the form you will discover the fields, for example:

Short Name: Short name to identify your warehouse.

Company: The Company is automatically set from your user preference.

Under Warehouse configuration

Incoming shipments: Default incoming routes to follow:

  • Receive goods directly (1 STEP).

  • Receive goods in input and then stock (2 STEPS).

  • Receive goods in input, then quantity and then stock (3 STEPS).

Outgoing Shipments: Default outgoing routes to follow:

  • Deliver goods directly (1 STEP)

  • Send goods in output and then deliver (2 STEPS).

  • Pack goods, send goods in output and then deliver( 3 STEPS)

Under Resupply

Manufacture to Resupply: When items are produced, they can be made in this stockroom.

Manufacture: Produce: Directly move the raw materials to the production area and begin the assembling/manufacturing procedure. Pick/Produce: Upload the raw materials from the Stock to Input Location first, and afterward transfer it to the production area.

Buy to Re-supply: When items are brought, they can be delivered to this stockroom.

Custom Routes

Under the Inventory application, go to Configuration ‣ Routes.

In the first place, you need to choose the place where this routes can be placed. You can join a few choices.

  • Warehouses

  • Product Categories

  • Products

  • Sales Order Lines

Routes applied on warehouses

In the event that you tick Warehouses, you need to pick on which distribution center it will be connected. The routes will be set for all move in that distribution center/warehouse that would meet the states of the acquisition and push rules.

You can see the rules defined here

Routes applied on products

On the off chance that you tick Products, you need to manually set on which product it will be applied.

Open the item on which you need to apply the routes (Configuration ‣ Product Categories). Select the route(s) under the Inventory segment:

Routes applied on Product Category

On the off chance that you tick Product Categories, you need to manually set on which category it will be applied

Open the item on which you need to apply the routes (Configuration ‣ Product Categories). Select the route(s) under the Logistics section:

Routes applied on Sales Order lines

In the event that you tick Sales Order lines, you need to manually set the routes every time you make a sales request.

So as to make it work, you likewise need to enact the utilization of the routes on the sales order.

In the Sales application, go to Configuration ‣ Settings and tick Choose specific routes on sales order lines (advanced).

One would now be able to pick the routes for every line of your sales orders:

Make-to-Order Route

On the off chance that you work with no stock, or with least stock guidelines, it is smarter to utilize the Make To Order route. Consolidate it with the route- Buy or Manufacture and it will trigger automatically the purchase order or the Manufacturing Order when your items are out-of-stock.

Put away & Removal Strategies

Put away Strategy

A good warehouse implementation takes care that items consequently move to their destination location. Put away is the way toward taking items off the receiving shipment and placing them into the most fitting location.

In the event that for example a warehouse contains unpredictable/volatile substances, it is essential to ensure that specific items are not stored near one another due to a potential chemical reaction.

A put away strategies pursues a similar rule as removal strategies however influences the destination location. Put away techniques are characterized at the location level (unlike removal strategies which are characterized at the product level).


Go to Inventory ‣ Configuration ‣ Settings and enable the option Set Put away Strategies on Location, Click Save.

Setting up a strategy

How about we take for example a retail shop where we store vegetables and natural products.

We need to store this kind of item in various areas to keep up item quality.

Assume there is one distribution center area WH/Stock and there is sub location WH/Stock/Vegetables and WH/Stock/Fruits.

One can make a put away strategy from Inventory ‣ Configuration ‣ Locations.

Open any location where you need to set a put away strategy click on Edit and find the alternative Put Away Strategy.

Open the roll- down menu and click on Create and Edit. This will open a form view of put away strategy on which you need to set a name for the methodology, and set the strategy and fixed location for every category.

When you have entered all the fundamental data, click on Save.

Presently, when you purchase items with those categories, they will automatically be transferred to the right location.

Removal Strategy

Removal Strategies are generally in picking operations to choose the best items so as to advance the distance for the laborer, for quality control purpose or because of reason of product expiration.

At the point when a product movement should be done, Odoo will discover accessible items that can be alloted to transportation. The way Odoo allocate these items rely upon the removal strategies that is characterized on the product category or on the location.


To trigger the action, go to Inventory ‣ Configuration ‣ Settings and enable the optionSet Put away Strategies on Location, then click on Save.

Then, further open the Configuration ‣ Locations and open the location on which you desire to set the removal strategy.

Odoo by default comes with 3 types of Removal Strategies:

  • First In First Out (FIFO)

  • Last in First Out (LIFO)

  • First Expiry First Out (FEFO)

FIFO ( First In First Out )

A First In First Out methodology suggests that the items that were stocked first will move out first. Organizations should utilize FIFO strategy on the off chance that they are selling perishable goods. Organizations selling items with moderately short demand cycles, for example, garments, likewise may need to pick FIFO to guarantee they are not stayed with outdated styles in stock.


To trigger the action,Go to Inventory ‣ Configuration ‣ Locations, open the stock location and set FIFO removal strategy.

LIFO (Last In First Out)

Under the warehouse management, the products which are acquired the last, moves out the first. LIFO is utilized if there should be an occurrence of items which don't have a time span of usability/shelf life.


Go to Inventory ‣ Configuration ‣ Locations, open the stock location and set LIFO removal strategy.

FEFO (First Expiry First Out )

In FEFO stockroom management, the items are dispatched from the distribution center as indicated by their expiration date.

Go to Inventory ‣ Configuration ‣ Setting. Check for Expiration date. Save the changes made.

This will enable you to set four expiration fields for each lot or serial number: best before date, end of life date, alert date and removal date. These dates can be set from Inventory Control ‣ Serial Numbers/Lots.

Product Life Time: When a new a Serial Number is issued, this is the number of days before the goods may become dangerous and must not be consumed.

Product Use Time: When a new a Serial Number is issued, this is the number of days before the goods start deteriorating, without being dangerous yet

Product Removal Time: When a new a Serial Number is issued, this is the number of days before the goods should be removed from the stock.

Product Alert Time: When a new a Serial Number is issued; this is the number of days before an alert should be notified.

At the point when another serial number is allotted to this item. These dates are automatically determined and put away in the Lot/sequential number.

In the event that you are not giving this dates in creation form, you can give the dates after the creation of lot/serial number too.

Product Categorization and Inventory Valuation

Having a precise inventory valuation is critical on the grounds that, it is the reported measure of the stock or the inventory that influences the expense of goods sold, the net profit, and the overall gain on the income statement. Also, the accurate inventory valuation measures the current resources, working capital, investors' or proprietor's equity reported on the balance sheet.

Product Categorization


Go to Inventory->Configuration->Product Categorization

You can see a list of product categories in Odoo.

To create a new product category, click the button CREATE.

A creation form will appear like below:

The field includes:

Category Name: One can provide the new category name in the corresponding field.

Parent category: One can create the hierarchy of the product category by choosing the parent category.

Force removal strategy: Select a specific removal strategy that will be used regardless of the source location for the product category.There are 3 types of force removal strategy available in odoo,

  • First In First Out (FIFO): The product which has arrived first will get removed first from the stock.

  • Last In First Out (LIFO): The product which has arrived last will get removed first from the stock.

  • First Expiry First Out (FEFO): The product which gets firstly expired will be removed first from the stock.

Inventory Valuation

Odoo offers two inventory valuation methods: Manual and Automated

  • Manual: The accounting entries to value the inventory are not posted automatically when a product enters or leaves the company.

  • Automated: An accounting entry is automatically created to value the inventory when a product enters or leaves the company.

Costing Method:

Odoo provides with 3 Costing Methods:

  • Standard Price: The products are valued at their standard cost defined on the product. Value = Total quantity*Standard Price. For example, product quantity is 15 and standard price of the product is Rs 80, then value= 15 * 80 = Rs 1200

  • First In First Out (FIFO): The products are valued supposing those that enter the company first and will also leave first. First I have purchased 10 products at Rs 80 , then 15 product at Rs 90 ,and sold 5 products Then, Value = 5 * 80 + 15 * 90 = Rs 1750

  • Average Cost (AVCO): The products are valued at weighted average cost. Value = Quantity * cost of the product. For example, if I have purchased 10 products at Rs 80 and 15 product at Rs 90 , and sold total 10 products. In this case, the cost of the product equals 86 and Quantity 15. The Value equals 15 * 86 = Rs 1290

Delivery Methods

Odoo can deal with different delivery techniques, however it isn't enacted by default. Delivery methods can be utilized for your sales order, your deliveries yet additionally on your e-commerce. Delivery Methods in Odoo, enable you to manage with the transport company, the price and the destination. You can even incorporate Odoo with outer shippers to compute real cost and the packaging.


To configure different delivery methods in Odoo, Inventory -> Configuration->Delivery Methods.

Upon clicking the CREATE button, you will be navigated to a new window with a creation form like below:

Firstly apply the name and transporter company.

At that point you'll need to set the pricing. It tends to be fixed price or based on rules/standards.

On the off chance that the cost is fixed, tick Fixed cost. You'll simply need to characterize the cost.

On the off chance that you need the delivery to be free over a specific sum, tick the alternative Free if Order Amount is Above and set a cost.

On the off chance that the price varies as per rules, tick Based on Rules. Click on add an item to create pricing rule. Pick a condition dependent on either the weight, the volume, the cost or the amount.

Finally you can restrict the delivery method to a few destinations. The limit can be connected to certain nations, states or even zip codes. This feature also limits the countries on your e-commerce.


The end user can incorporate Odoo with external shippers so as to figure the real price and packagings, and handle the printing of shipping labels.

Delivery process

Sale order

You would now be able to pick the Delivery Method on your deal request. On the off chance that you need to receipt the cost of the delivery charge on the sales order, click on Set price, it will include a line with the name of the delivery method as an item.


Odoo enable you to add or change the delivery method on the delivery itself.

On the delivery, check the Carrier Information. The transporter is the picked delivery technique.

Integrating a third party shipper

Odoo can deal with different delivery methods, including external shippers. Odoo can be linked to various transportation company tracking system so as to effectively manage the transport company, the real prices and destination.


Inventory->Configuration->Settings. Under Shipping Connectors, tick the transportation companies that you desire to integrate:

Click Apply.

Odoo enlists you with different delivery methods.

One can click on CREATE button so as to create a new delivery method.

You will be able to view the enabled shipping connectors here. At the point, the end user can also install several other providers via clicking the option,” Install more Providers”.


On the off chance that you need to integrate Delivery Methods in e-commerce, firstly you'll need to install the eCommerce Delivery module.

Configure the delivery method

For configuring the delivery methods of your choice, go to the Inventory module, click on Configuration

  • Delivery Methods.

The delivery method for the picked shippers have been automatically made. More often than not, there will be 2 delivery methods for a similar supplier: one for worldwide delivery and the other for household/domestic shipping.

You can make different techniques with a similar supplier with other configuration, for instance the Packaging Type. You can change the Name of the delivery method. This is the name that will show up on your ecommerce.

The configuration of the shipper is split into two sections:

The first is connected to your account (developer key, password,...).The second section differs as indicated by the supplier. You can pick the packaging type, the service type, the weight, unit and so forth.

Finally you can limit the delivery method to a few destinations. You can restrain it to certain nations, states or even postal districts. This element restricts the rundown of nations on your ecommerce. It is helpful for the domestic suppliers. For instance, USPS US just conveys from the United States to the United States.

Company configuration

So as to process the correct value, the supplier needs, your organization data. Make sure your location and telephone number are accurately encoded.

To check your data, go to the Settings application and click on General Settings.

Product configuration

The shipper organizations need the weight of your product, otherwise price calculation is impossible.

Go the menu Sales ‣ Sales ‣ Products. Open the items you need to ship and set a weight on it.


The weight on the item structure is communicated in kilograms. Remember to make the change on the off chance that you are utilized to the royal estimation framework.

Sale process

Sale order

You would now be able to pick the carrier on your sale order. Click on Delivery method to pick the correct one.

The cost is computed when you save the sales order or when you click on Set Price

On the off chance that you need to invoice the price of delivery charge on sales order, click on price, it will include a line with the name of the delivery technique as an item. It might change from the real cost.

Otherwise, the real cost (computed when the delivery is approved) will automatically be added to the receipt.


The delivery made from the sales order will take the delivery data from it. You can change the transporter if you need to.

In the event that you make a delivery transfer from the stock module, you can include the third party shipper in the additional info tab.

The weight is computed dependent on the items loads. The delivery cost will be registered once the transfer is validated.

Click on Validate to get the tracking number. The Carrier Tracking ref field will automatically be filled. Click on the Tracking button to check your delivery on the supplier site.

Delivery Packages


Go to Inventory->Configuration->Settings->Operations and choose Delivery Packages.

Odoo enlists with different package type field. One will be able to select the available delivery packages or create a new one. To create new, click onCREATE button.

A creation form will appear like below. It includes various fields like carrier, height, width, length, maximum weight, barcode of the product and package code.

Then click on Save.

Repeat the operation until every items are put in pack.

Click theValidate button in order to confirm the delivery.

Last updated