Client Relationship Management, which is the most significant piece of a business, is streamlined with Odoo CRM framework. Odoo CRM is a blend of 8 Apps and Plugins. For productive administration of client connection, you should introduce all the accompanying Apps/Plugins.

  • CRM

And enlisted apps can further improve the CRM capabilities

  • CRM Gamification

  • Marketing campaign

  • Survey CRM

  • Contact Form

  • Resellers

  • Lead to Issue

  • Opportunity to quotation

Some of the useful features of Odoo CRM includes

  • Priorities activities

    Priorities the subsequent activities in pipeline and meet your objectives proficiently.

  • Track your sales activities.

    Track the business organizes all the more effectively through deals pipeline Kanban see.

  • Schedule Meetings

    Schedule meetings straightforwardly from the customer opportunity.

  • Dashboards

    Collect all pivotal details with regard to ongoing and done business activities from Dashboard.

  • Get in touch with customers

    Keep up Communication with clients by means of email, telephone, visit, and internet based life from inside your Odoo CRM.

  • Leads Promotion

    Begin campaign by sending auto produced emails to customers in Leads. Appoint a sales rep to pursue the lead and promote it.

  • Opportunities Analysis

    Dissect your chances pipeline with cutting edge channels, gathering, drill down, and so forth.

  • Lead Scoring

    Score your leads dependent on unequivocal and verifiable criteria and choose which lead fulfills the benchmark to progress toward becoming chance.

  • Customized Alerts

    Set custom alarms for circumstances dependent on certain exercises

  • Analyze Opportunity lost

    Analyze the reasons behind the loss of opportunities and improve your sales efficiency.

  • GeoIP

    Distinguish nations, states and urban areas of leads consequently from your guest IP address.

  • Automate routines and Focus on sales

    Automate routines and Focus on sales

Odoo CRM general workflow

CRM in Odoo can be clarified as a progression of occasions that begin with distinguishing a Lead (a future deal probability) and goes through various stages like Opportunity, Quotation, Sale Order and genuine deal (receipt age and installment). Odoo coordinates Customer Management module alongside these procedures to achieve compelling Customer Relationship Management. The fundamental advances engaged with following a deal can be recorded as beneath.

Lead: - A conceivable future deal, it might be made in light of the fact that a client enquired an item

Opportunity: - More plausibility of offer. Here onwards the association may name an individual to catch up the client.

Pipeline: - it is an advantageous instrument given by Odoo to follow Opportunity. You can make numerous stages dependent on the likelihood of the Sale and track all the more adequately.

Quotation: - When opportunity wons, then next action triggered is sending quotation to the customer.

Followed the Quotation changes to Sale Order, later to Invoice Generation and Payment.

System Users

There are three kinds of default client to the extent CRM (Including Sales + Purchase + Customer Management) module is concerned.

Manager: - who will have total access over every one of these Sales, Purchase modules .

User - Own documents only: This client will have the consent to control the reports and passages made by him. For instance, you can limit a business official from getting to another business administrators records.

User - All documents: - might be a business head, he needs to see every one of the reports by all deals speak to.

Get organized by planning activities

Planning activites is the ideal method to keep on track with your work. Get helped to remember what should be done and plan the following activities to attempt.

Your activities are accessible any place you are in Odoo. It is seamless to manage priorities needs.

Activities can be arranged and oversaw from the chatters or in the Kanban views. Here is a case for opportunities:

You can without much of a stretch make a lead from the CRM pipeline itself. You should simply CLICK the + BUTTON defined in the pipeline organize.

Odoo likewise enables to you make new and distinctive pipeline stages as indicated by your need. You click the Add a Column choice laid there.

Tracking Activities

Odoo enables you to track the activities in the least complex manner. Activities can be tracked on each and every archive. One can view the exercises like – activities in due, or activities to be performed today or in future.

Activities can be followed from two spots i.e. from both Kanban card and from the form view.

Setting Activity Types

By default, Odoo provides with generic activities types (e.g. call, email, meeting, etc.). If the end user wishes to set one, he can go to Settings ‣ General settings ‣ Activity types.

Schedule meetings

Activities are planned for explicit days. In the event that you have to set hours in your action, go with the Meeting activity type . When booking one, the calendar will just open to give you a chance to choose the ideal availability.

One would also be able to plan the following action for your lead and Odoo provisions next movement alternatives like Email, Call, Meeting, Follow up Quote, Call for Demo and so on.

Managing lost opportunities

It is a typical scene that while working with any of your chances/oppurtunities, you may lose some of them. However, you need to monitor the reasons why you lost them. Odoo can help you in recuperating them later on.

Mark a lead as lost

While in your pipeline, select any opportunity you need and you will see a Mark Lost button.

You would then be able to choose a current Lost Reason or make another one in that spot.

Manage & create lost reasons

One can define their Lost Reasons under Configuration ‣ Lost Reasons.

One can also select and rename the enlisted as well as make a new one from the spot.

Retrieving Lost Opportunities

In order to retrieve your lost opportunities and conduct certain actions on them (send an email, make a feedback call, etc.), go to the Lost filter in the search bar.

There you can see all the lost opportunities.

Add a filter on the Lost Reason to refine them.

For Example, Too Expensive.

Restore lost opportunities

From the Kanban view with the filter(s) set up, one can choose any opportunity you wish and work on it of course. You can likewise reestablish it by clicking on Archived.

You can likewise reestablish/restore things in batch from the Kanban view when they have a place with a similar stage. Select Restore Records in the column options. You can likewise archive the similar way.

Acquiring Leads

Automatic leads assignation to team members

There will be various sales reps working inside the business group, with the quantity of leads expanded, you need to build the number of individuals to take a shot at it. The issue begins for the team manager to appoint the leads to them when group develops, Odoo helps in making the team manager life simple with automatic lead assignation.

Qualification step before creating an opportunity

The default sales activity is dealt with the opportunity pipeline; you can change that to add the qualification stage before making an opportunity.

Assumed that you start getting leads into the team, by default all those leads are unassigned.

Add members to your sales channel

One can add members to the sales team; that way those members will see the pipeline structure of the sales team when opening it. Any lead/opportunity appointed to them will connect to the sales team Hence, you must be an individual/member from one channel.

You can define maximum leads that ought to be relegated to the part inside 30 days, this will facilitate the way toward assigning leads to the member effectively.

One can also add an explicit domain to each user so as to assure that each user gets specific leads to work on based on their field of expertise or country, so on…

Manage Multiple Sales Team

Odoo aids you to deal with several sales teams, offices or channels with explicit sales processes. One can spread their business exercises or the sales activities into the numerous sales team, contingent upon the product, service or region, the motivation behind setting various sales group may likewise be to setup the various sales process as well.

To do so, we use the concept of Sales Team.

Create a new sales team

To create a new Sales Team, go to Configuration ‣ Sales Team.

There the end user can provide an email alias to it. All messages sent across to that email address shall generate a lead/opportunity.

Add members to your sales team

You can add members to any business channel or sales group; that way those members will see the pipeline structure of the business group when opening it. Any lead/opportunity doled out to them will connect to the sales team. Subsequently, you must be an individual from one group.

This will facilitate the process review of the group administrator/team manager.

Upon filtering the specific channel in pipeline, one can view all of his opportunities.

Sales channel dashboard

From the sales Team Dashboard under reporting, one can preview all the operations and sales channel results at a glance.

It is imparted to the entire system so every income stream is incorporated into it: Sales, e Commerce, PoS, and so on.

In order to select explicit opportunities, one can filter the opportunities utilizing the filter option.

Thereafter one can select as many desired opportunities and select the desired actions to take.

Sales pipe for specific team

Click on the Pipeline button on sales team to see the sales pipe for a particular sales group, you will discover the majority of its opportunities identified with that business channel.

Convert Leads into Opportunities

Opportunity is a certified lead. The particular arrangement has met certain criteria and show a high incentive to the business, or a high likelihood of closing, you have to get the enough subtleties from your visitors. On the off chance it matches with your business intrigue, you can change over them into opportunities.

You can gather the leads instead of creating an opportunity and setup the procedure to qualify those leads before you convert them into opportunities.

Odoo helps you to convert a lead into an opportunity and assign them to the correct sales reps. One can activate this mode from the CRM Settings. It applies to every one of your business channels by default. Yet, you can make it explicit for explicit channels from their configuration form.

To make this feature work, go to CRM ‣ Configuration ‣ Settings and activate the Leads feature.

On the off chance if you already have an opportunity with that client Odoo will automatically offer you to converge with that opportunity. In a similar way, Odoo will consequently offer you to link to a current client if that client as of now exists. By default, if you have an opportunity made in the sales channel, you can have leads when somebody get in touch with you on the website contact us page or send an email to the predefined email address.

When you click on a Lead, you will have the choice to change over it to an opportunity and decide if it should even now be doled out to a similar channel/person and if you need to make another client.

You will currently have another submenu Leads under Pipeline where they will total.

Qualify Leads

Send the mass mail on new leads got each day, set up a decent description of your product, service subtleties in an email and attempt to get more data from leads and their desires from your items or service.

Assign leads based on scoring rules

With Leads Scoring you can automatically rank your leads dependent on chose criteria's. For instance, you could score clients from your nation higher or the ones that visited explicit pages on your site. Simply saying you can gauge the score for an opportunity dependent on the client conduct on site.

Create scoring rules

You get a new tab in CRM app titled Leads Management, where the end user can manage the scoring rules.

For instance- a case for a Canadian lead , one can modify whatever criteria they desire to score leads on. One can add n-number of criteria as desires.

Consistently every lead without a score will be automatically filtered and alloted with their correct score as indicated by your scoring rules.

Assign leads

When the scores computed, leads can be doled out to explicit groups utilizing a similar area component. To do so go to CRM ‣ Leads Management ‣ Team Assignation and apply a particular domain on each team. This domain can incorporate scores.

Moving on, the end user can assign to a specific vendor within team even more refined domain.

To do so go to CRM ‣ Leads Management ‣ Leads Assignation.

Evaluate & use the unassigned leads

When your scoring standards are set up you will in all likelihood still have some unassigned leads. Some of them could in any case lead to a chance so it is valuable to accomplish something with them.

In your leads page you can put a channel to locate your unassigned leads.

Why not utilizing Email Marketing or Marketing Automation applications to send a mass email to them? You can likewise effectively find such unassigned leads from that point.

Generating leads or opportunities from Email

Each sales channel is equipped for making a lead/opportunity from the incoming emails.

Configure email aliases

Every sales channel can have its very own email alias, to create leads/opportunities automatically. This element is valuable in the event that you deal with a sales team with explicit business processes. You will discover the configuration of sales channels under Configuration ‣ Sales Team.

Any email sent to the endorsed email alias will make an opportunity in the pipeline for the particular sales channel or sales group.

Generate leads/opportunities from your website contact page

Automating the lead/opportunity generation will significantly improve the operation efficiency. Any visitor utilizing the contact form on website will make a lead/opportunity in the pipeline.

To make the feature work, use contact us on website.

You should first go to your website app.

With CRM app installed, you benefit from ready-to-use contact form on your Odoo website that will create leads/opportunities automatically.

In order to change it to a specific sales channel, go to Website ‣ Configuration ‣ Settings, under Communication field, one can view the Contact Form info and field to change the Sales Team and Salesperson.

Sending Quotations

Upon successfully qualifying your lead into an opportunity, the following step is to send a quotation to the customer. One can initiate the action directly from the Odoo CRM application.

Create a new quotation

In order to create a new quotation, go to CRM->Sales->My quotations.

Upon clicking any opportunity/ lead, one can see a New Quotation button. This will eventually bring in a new menu to manage the end user’s quote.

One can find all their quotes dependent to a specific opportunity under Quotations menu.

Mark them won/lost

Next step is to mark the opportunity either as won or lost for moving the process along.

Upon marking them as won, eventually it will be moved to Won column in the Kanban view. However, upon marking them as Lost it will be archived.

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